


由于最近失去父亲和与工作有关的压力,我最近过得很艰难。在父亲去世后请了一天假,我回到了工作岗位,度过了非常艰难、充满泪水的一天。I’ve been having a really hard time lately with the very recent loss of my father and work-related stress. I went back to work after taking one day off after his passing and was having a very difficult, tear-filled day.

我的工作需要我在城市周围走动,当我走在一条繁忙的街道上时,我看到一个无家可归的人盖着毯子,但他的光脚却伸出来了,天气非常非常的冷。我绕道给他买了一些袜子和手套,这样他至少可以暖和一点,并把它们放在他身边,等他醒来后再找。My job takes me around the city and as I was walking down a busy street I saw a homeless man covered in a blanket but his bare feet were sticking out and it was so, so cold. I made a detour to buy him some socks and gloves so he could at least be a little warmer and left them beside him to find when he woke up.

第二天,我在同一个地方,仍然情绪低落,还在挣扎,两个工匠拦住我,问我是不是昨天停下来给他留袜子的女孩。我说是的,他们兴奋地告诉我,他们看到我后如何组织给他买了一件大的保暖夹克,然后另一个人给他买了一些温暖舒适的 ugg 靴子。其中一个男人告诉我我是一个传奇人物,现在每次我在该地区时,他都会停下来大喊“嘿传奇人物!”并问我过得怎么样。The next day I was in the same area, still feeling down, still struggling, when two tradies stopped me to ask if I was the girl who stopped to leave him socks yesterday. I said yeah and they excitedly told me how they then organised to buy him a big warm jacket after seeing me and then another person bought him some warm and comfy ugg boots. One of the men told me I was a legend and now every time I’m in the area he stops to yell “hey legend!” and ask how I’m going.

在宏伟的计划中,我所做的确实很小,但我希望它能让那个男人的日子变得更好,更轻松,这样他就可以保持温暖,在这可怕的一天,这些传统真的让我的心充满了温暖。感谢传奇人物. In the grand scheme of things what I did was really tiny but I hope it made that man’s day a little better and a little easier so he could stay warm and those tradies really filled my heart up with warmth on what was a horrible day. Thanks legends.


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