can和be able to后面加什么(able to和can的区别)



can, could 和 (be) able to的用法

can和be able to后面加什么(able to和can的区别)


我们用can +不定式(can do / can see等):

We can see the lake from our hotel.

‘I don’t have a pen.’ ‘You can use mine.’

Can you speak any foreign languages?

I can come and see you tomorrow if you like.

The word ‘dream’ can be a noun or a verb.

否定形式是can’t (= cannot):

I’m afraid I can’t come to the party on Friday.

You can say that somebody is able to do something, but can is more usual:

你可以说somebody is able to do something,但是can更常见:

We are able to see the lake from our hotel.

But can has only two forms: can (present) and could (past). So sometimes it is necessary to use

(be) able to. Compare:

但是can只有两种形式:can(现在)和could(过去)。所以有时使用(be) able to是必要的。比较:

I can’t sleep.

Tom can come tomorrow.

Maria can speak French, Spanish and English.

I haven’t been able to sleep recently.

Tom might be able to come tomorrow.

Applicants for the job must be able to speak two foreign languages.

Sometimes could is the past of can. We use could especially with:


See hear smell taste feel remember understand

We had a lovely room in the hotel. We could see the lake.

As soon as I walked into the room, I could smell gas.

I was sitting at the back of the theatre and couldn’t hear very well.

We also use could to say that somebody had the ability to do something, or was allowed

to do something:


My grandfather could speak five languages.

We were totally free. We could do what we wanted. (= we were allowed to do)

could 与 was able to

We use could for general ability and with see, hear etc. :

我们用could来表示一般的能力,跟随see, hear等词:

My grandfather could speak five languages.

I could see them, but not very clearly.

但是说某人在特定情况下成功地做了某事,我们通常使用was/were able to或managed to(不是could):

The fire spread quickly, but everybody was able to escape. (not could escape)

I didn’t know where Max was, but I managed to find him in the end. (not could find)


Jack was an excellent tennis player when he was younger. He could beat anybody.

(= he was good enough to beat anybody, he had the ability)

but Jack and Andy played a match yesterday. Andy played well, but Jack managed to beat him.

(= he succeeded in beating him this time)

否定词can 't (could not)在所有情况下都是可能的:

My grandfather couldn’t swim.

I looked for Max everywhere, but I couldn’t find him.

Andy played well, but he couldn’t beat Jack.


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