

选自LightonLife:AnIntroductiontotheAstrologyofIndia有道机翻,如有不顺,请自行理解,感谢高科技带给我们的便利~啃BPHS之余,一起夯实占星基础啊~希望能遇到也在学习研究的你,分享你们的感悟和案例给我哈,那将是无上的荣耀o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ有什么想看的主题也可以私信我,感谢求知若渴的泥萌~

选自Light on Life: An Introduction to the Astrology of India


啃BPHS之余,一起夯实占星基础啊~希望能遇到也在学习研究的你,分享你们的感悟和案例给我哈,那将是无上的荣耀o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ有什么想看的主题也可以私信我,感谢求知若渴的泥萌~

PREDOMINANT – ability to speak, accumulated money, death, drinks, eating, eyesight, face and throat, family members, food, liquid assets, mouth, movable possessions, power and quality of speech, right eye, speech, wealth


COMMON – all who are to be fed and maintained, belief in sacred traditions, ability to fulfill one's promises, clothes, education, generosity in giving, jewels, knowledge and learning (primarily oral), livelihood through the courtesy of others, luster of the face, maintenance of others, metallic wealth, finger-and toenails, the Nine Gems, the Nine Grains, the nose, people close to the native, perfumes, precious metals, robes, self-earned money, selling and buying, teeth, tongue, truth and untruth


RARE – enemies, enmity, horses, income through friends, liberality of mind, steadiness of mind


COMMENTS The second house is often taken as the extended family, in the almost undifferentiated sense of 'people close to you', an indication which is derived from the proximity of the second house to the first. More properly, though, it indicates those to whom you are related by either blood, marriage or adoption. This group, which changes over the course of a lifetime, can at various times include your parents, uncles and aunts, cousins, brothers and sisters, spouse, children and in-laws. A poorly placed Saturn in the second house can indicate a lifelong tendency to be separated or isolated from this ongoing family.

[注解] 第二所房子通常被视为大家庭,几乎没有区别的意义上的“与你亲近的人”,这一指示源自于第二宫与第一宫的距离。但更恰当的说法是,它指的是那些与你有血缘、婚姻或收养关系的人。这个群体在人的一生中会发生变化,在不同的时期可能包括你的父母、叔叔阿姨、表兄妹、兄弟姐妹、配偶、孩子和公婆。土星在第二宫位置不佳,可能预示着你一生都有被这个家庭分离或孤立的倾向。(顺嘴提一句,还记得前几天分享的甘地星盘吗,土星天蝎座落第二宫,甘地绝食很多次,最长甚至21天,土星的限制与第二宫的food产生的碰撞,星星不说谎!)

One pervasive second-house theme is that of immediate support almost as a consequence of the birth, i.e. the things that support you just after you are born: food, family, clothes. All these are an infant's movable possessions. An adult's movable possessions tend to become more valuable, like precious jewels, money, and bank accounts. Cars and furniture, which are movable but not easily transportable, are ruled by the fourth house, as are mobile homes.


The association of oratory with the second house comes from the organs it primarily represents:the mouth, tongue and throat. This is one reason why the second house, which does not represent all communication, stands for oral communication. While this includes the oral communication of your parents' cooing at you, it particularly indicates the communication of classical oral traditions, especially sacred traditions, and also the classical subjects which are part of such traditions, like Sanskrit, Jyotish, Ayurveda, and Chinese medicine. In our opinion this house does not represent more modern, secular forms of education.


Perfume is food, or wealth, for the nose, the nose being assigned to the second house under one system of anatomical rulership. Enemies and enmity may be attributable to the fact that the second is the reflection house to the eighth, which rules enemies.





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